Friday, January 16, 2015

Quilt Retreat in Sebewaing, MI

Day 2 is done.

Arrived around noon yesterday and was actually the first one here!  The drive was nice -- no weather or traffic problems of any kind.  In years past we have had issues of either or both so this was a very welcome change.

I had prepped all the foundation papers for the Cattails quilt before leaving home.  But I hadn't yet cut any of the 20 batiks needed.  So all of day 1 was spent cutting.  Long day but worth every minute because once that is done you can just sew... sew... sew.

Which is what I did today.  There are 6 bags to this quilt (which is the way Judy Niemeyer organizes things.  I finished 3 of them.  That doesn't necessarily mean I'm 1/2 done -- because some of the bags are more intricate than others.  Some have more pieces.  It is just the way the quilt breaks down.

Tomorrow I will be assembling the Cattails component.  These sections have lots of small pieces and the appliqué of the cattails.  Will probably take the better part of the day - but only time will tell.

I did lose a few hours of sewing time today because our group was on dinner detail.  We were assigned "Mexican" and went with it.  Friends, Mary, Ann and Ellen and I laid out a nice spread.  I did Ryan's Taco Casserole, Ann did a great chili, Ellen did tacos and Mary did a FANTASTIC dessert -- a caramel/chocolate flan.  I don't think anyone went away hungry!
It's after 1:00 AM so need to shut down the computer and go to sleep.

Good night!

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